Submission Guidelines

Please read the submission rules before submitting an abstract.

  • The submitting author is also the presenting author and will receive all correspondence related to the submitted abstract.
  • Abstracts should be written in clear English with accurate grammar and spelling, and they should be submitted electronically. Each author can present and submit a maximum of 2 abstracts. Oral presentations are limited to one per presenting author.
  • Submission as “Keynote Speaker” or as “Invited Speaker” ONLY for researchers invited by the Organizing Committee.
  • The abstract must have a maximum of one A4 page, and be submitted in .doc or .docx format.
  • Abstracts must follow the template.
  • The abstracts should describe original and significant new work. They should provide sufficient detail for referees to make a comprehensive assessment of the scientific merit of the work described. All abstracts will be evaluated considering its technical-scientific characteristics, innovating aspects and the quality of the text. The abstracts will be either accepted for oral contribution, poster contribution or rejected. The preference of the author by the type of presentation (oral or poster) should be informed at the time of electronic submission of the abstract. However, the final decision will be made by the evaluation committee.
  • The accepted abstracts will be allocated in the ILCC 2024 Program in their respective topic or in poster sessions. Once the final program is available, the authors will have a deadline to report any changes in schedules of presentations. After this period and during the event, NO change in presentation schedule will be allowed.
  • The abstracts must be allocated to a specific Topic and Sub-Topic.

ILCC2024 Abstract Selection

  • The ILCC2024 International Advisory Board will review all submitted abstracts. Notification regarding the final evaluation status of your contributions will be sent to the presenting author via email by March 20, 2024.
  • Please note that although the presenting author can state his/her preferred type of presentation, the Scientific Committee reserves the right to assign them to oral or poster presentations.
  • If a problem arises, please let us know as soon as possible by e-mail: